Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What is 'Dharmodynamics'?

The Fusion of Modern Science and Eastern Religions

by Vuthipong Preabjariyavat

The search for the ‘ultimate reality’ seems to have been the epitome of intellectual and spiritual pursuit of humankind since time immemorial. So far, those who embark on such a journey generally have to choose between the two roads: scientific or metaphysical. Dharmodynamics is an attempt to merge these traditionally two separate paths into one.

On the one hand, it retells and explains some of the most fascinating scientific concepts from a metaphysical perspective based on four major eastern religions, namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Taoism. The topics discussed are wide-ranging and include, for example, the big bang, the big crunch, the cosmos, black holes, quarks, the Theory of Everything, thermodynamics, entropy, DNA, chromosomes, life, evolution, Darwinism and the human mind.

Conversely, several main religious and metaphysical concepts --ranging from soul, heaven, hell, ghosts, demons, angels, karma, the karmic law, reincarnation, samsara (cycle of rebirth), nirvana, tao, moksha, dharma (nature) and the dharmic law-- are reformulated using scientific conceptual framework.
This unique effort to stitch patches of scientific knowledge with eastern religious concepts and metaphysics into seamless whole, resulting in an integrated body of knowledge which encompasses and transcends science as we now know it, is how 'dharmodynamics' is defined.